Autumn News

Well, there's a slight crispness to the air and most of the children of the nation have posed in front of a door wearing uniform that has been ironed nicely for the only time that year (this could just be me). It can only mean one thing and that is September! which also means that it is time for me to reopen my order books so that you lovely lot can book in your Christmas commissions.
This year, I will have slightly less slots than usual because I'm planning to add a framed prints section to my online shop, which means I need extra time for framing (or faffing and swearing and wondering what the heck I was thinking of).
I'll be uploading some summer commissions over the next few weeks and I'm also just putting the finishing touches to my 2018 calendar, so all being well, that will be printed and ready for purchase in the not too distant future.
Finally I'll be participating in two local exhibitions this autumn so stay tuned for details of those nearer the time.
This image is 'I Spy', a recently completed painting of mine and set to be the calendar girl for September 2018.