Special offer!

Stop me if you've heard this one before - when I first ordered my calendars, there was a printing error which meant that the back page was upside down. As demonstrated by this strange person in the picture who I have never met and it's definitely not me.
The topsy turvy back page doesn't make any difference to the actual calendar, none of which is upside down, but nevertheless I wasn't happy and the printer duly re-printed the order. 60 'perfect' calendars were dispatched and have now almost all been sold, yay.
However, I do still have a box of the seconds which I would dearly love to be rid of because it seems like such a waste otherwise. SO. For a short while, I'll send one out for free with any order over £30. If you want a calendar but don't want to buy anything else, they are for sale on my website at a discount price of £10. This offer is valid for the rest of the month, but if you want it before Christmas please order by the 14th!