2020, what a drama queen...

Seriously, someone needs to tell this year to calm the heck down.
We started with utterly ludicrous storms, seemingly one a week, and just as we're fixing our rooftops and locating our trampolines, we're dealing with the onslaught of a killer virus! Brilliant! So we're all now facing the prospect of months at home. And while, as an artist, I work from home anyway, I'm not usually simultaneously attempting to avoid ALL OTHER PEOPLE, EVER, home school my child, attempt to feed us all from whatever is in the cupboard (maybe we'll finally open that tin of cassoulet that is inexplicably still in date after we bought it on holiday around 2009). And not forgetting keeping the house clean and disinfected at all times. Apparently I need to do all of this without developing a drink problem as well. I'd be facepalming, if I was allowed to touch my face.
It's Day 1 and already we've managed a family argument, a meltdown and absolutely no work by me or the child. It's going well.
Anyhoo. For now I am keeping my online shop open but will limit trips to the post office to post orders, so things may take longer than usual to arrive. I'll also be posting on social media with a drawing every day until we are released into the world again.
I hope you are all staying well and staying sane. Please don't go out unless you absolutely have to.
(The image is my new painting 'January Morning, 6am', and details can be found here. If you would like to treat yourself to any of the original paintings you see, to lift your isolated spirits, let me know!).